8 Reasons to Choose the CLEAR Alternative to Traditional Metal Braces!

Are you dissatisfied with your smile? You may have dreamed of having straight teeth, but perhaps you can’t get past the idea of having the “metal mouth” look. Did you know there’s a CLEAR alternative? Your friends, family members, and coworkers may not even realize you’re having orthodontic work done!

Here at Benca & Gee Dental Wellness, we are a certified Invisalign provider! Have you ever wondered if Invisalign  is right for you?

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern approach to straightening teeth. Custom‐fitted, clear trays or aligners are fabricated just for you. Wearing the trays will gently move your teeth to the desired position. You will pop a new set of trays in every 2‐3 weeks until treatment is complete.

8 advantages over braces:

1. The clear aligners are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces ‐ people may not even realize you’re wearing them!
2. You can remove the trays whenever you want.
3. It’s easier to clean your teeth. You’ll be able to floss and brush your teeth as you normally do.
4. There are no food restrictions! You won’t need to worry about brackets coming loose or food getting stuck between them.
5. If you suffer from metal allergies, clear aligners are the perfect choice since they’re metal‐free.
6. You will have fewer appointments, with office visits only every 4‐6 weeks.
7. The trays are smooth and more comfortable than brackets. You won’t have to worry about metal cutting your cheeks and gums.
8. If you have a wedding or special event coming up, you can simply remove the trays for the day!

Are you still undecided? Well, did you know there are also health benefits to having straight teeth? Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) and tooth decay are caused by bacteria.
Individuals with crowded teeth generally have a harder time keeping the areas between the teeth clean, which can then lead to periodontal disease. Studies have shown that periodontal disease can lead to heart problems and diabetes. With Invisalign and the help of Dr. Benca, not only will you be able to keep your mouth in good health, you will also be taking care of the rest of your body!

Call our Tukwila Dentistry office today at (206)-575-1173 for a consultation to find out if you would be a good candidate and to ask any questions you might have about treatment!

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